Gitlab Upgradation
Upgrading the major version requires more attention. Backward-incompatible changes are reserved for major versions. A major upgrade requires the following steps:
Take the backup of your gitlab server to prevent any loss of your important data.
Start by identifying a supported upgrade path. This is essential for a successful major version upgrade.
Upgrade to the latest minor version of the preceding major version.
Upgrade to the “dot zero” release of the next major version (X.0.Z).
Step 1
Create backup of gitlab server
Sudo gitlab-backup create
Step 2
Then go through the link to get the upgrade path and fill the required details like, current version and edition of your gitlab then required version. You will get a supported upgrade path overview. In which you will get the all version upgrade commands.
Step 3
After every installation do the reconfiguration of gitlab and check the data is up to date.
Sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Step 4
On major version upgradation you might get below error of migration
rails_migration[gitlab-rails] (gitlab::database_migrations line 51) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: bash[migrate gitlab-rails database] (/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/resources/rails_migration.rb line 16) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20230512-614-q0fzu8" ----
STDOUT: rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Expected batched background migration for the given configuration to be marked as 'finished', but it is 'active': {:job_class_name=>"CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob", :table_name=>"taggings", :column_name=>"id", :job_arguments=>[["id", "taggable_id"], ["id_convert_to_bigint", "taggable_id_convert_to_bigint"]]}
Then you have to finalize it manually by running
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob,taggings,id,'[["id"\, "taggable_id"]\, ["id_convert_to_bigint"\, "taggable_id_convert_to_bigint"]]']
Before running the next command, wait for a few minutes to finalize it. Then run the next command.
gititlab-rake db:migrate
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Step 5
While upgrading you might get a migration error of oauth access token expire
Then follow the below steps one by one
connect to gitlab postgres db:
sudo gitlab-psql
\c gitlabhq_production
UPDATE oauth_access_tokens SET expires_in = '7200' WHERE expires_in IS NULL;
Then come out from postgresDB with
Run the final migrations:
sudo gitlab-rake db:migrate
on the last do the reconfiguration and install next version.
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure